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Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are microbes associated with plant roots that promote plant growth by (1) providing enhanced mineral nutrition, (2) producing plant hormones or other molecules that stimulate plant growth and prime plant defenses against biotic and abiotic stresses, or (3) protecting plants against pathogens.

Research Interests: 
Our interests are broad and we use a combination of field, experimental, in vitro, and genomic approaches. There are three overlapping research programs  that we focus upon: I) We investigate bacterial genetics and plant pathogens and insect pest control. II) We study the molecular biology  of plant-associated bacteria, focusing on genome sequence of the plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria. III) We examine how these beneficial bacteria control pest insects, using in vitro, and biotechnological tools.

Art Director

Research Professor 

Senior Specialist

Research Professor 

Research Assistant 


Junior Researcher 


Junior Researcher 

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Junior Researcher 

  • Prof. Dr. Jae‑Ho Shin, Ph.D., School of Applied Biosciences, College of Agriculture and Life  Sciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Republic of Korea

  • Prof. Dr. Olubukola Oluranti Babalola, PhD., Food Security and Safety Focus Area, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, North-West University, Private Bag X2046, Mmabatho, 2735, South Africa

  • Prof. Dr. Aurelio Ortiz, Ph.D., Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla, México

  • Prof. Dr. Estibaliz Sansinenea, Ph.D., Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla, México

  • Prof. Dr. Gholamreza Salehi Jouzani, Ph.D., Microbial Biotechnology Department, Agricultural Biotechnology Research Institute of Iran (ABRII), Karaj, Iran

  • Prof. Dr. Leandris Argentel-Martínez, Ph.D., Department of Engineering, National Technological Institute of Mexico/Technological Institute of Yaqui, Valley, Bacum, Sonora, Mexico

  • Prof. Dr. Ofelda Peñuelas-Rubio, Ph.D., Department of Engineering, National Technological Institute of Mexico/Technological Institute of Yaqui, Valley, Bacum, Sonora, Mexico

  • Prof. Dr. Alan Mario Zuffo, PhD., Agronomic Department, State University of Maranhão, Campus de Balsas, Balsas, 65800-000, MA, Brazil

  • Prof.Dr. Fábio Steiner, PhD., Department of Agronomy, Universidad Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS), Cassilândia, 79540-000, MS, Brazil

  • Prof.Dr. Jorge González Aguilera, PhD., Department of Agronomy, Universidad Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS), Cassilândia, 79540-000, MS, Brazil

  • Prof.Dr. Rafael Felippe Ratke, PhD., Agronomic Department, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Chapadão do Sul, 79650-000, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

  • Prof.Dr. Paulo Eduardo Teodoro, PhD., Agronomic Department, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Chapadão do Sul, 79650-000, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

  • Prof. Dr. Reza Sharafi, PhD., National Center for Genetic Resources of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Fahmideh Blvd, Karaj, Iran

  • Dr. A. El-Shabasy, PhD., Department of Biology, College of Science, Jazan University, P.O. Box. 114, Jazan 45142, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

  • Dr. Pratheesh Prakasam Thanka, Ph.D., Department of Biochemistry, Nehru Arts and Science College, Thirumalayampalayam, Coimbatore, India

  • Dr. Sudeepa Ennara Sudarsanan, Ph.D., Department of Biotechnology, Nehru Arts and Science College, Thirumalayampalayam, Coimbatore, India

  • Dr. Surya Sudheer, Ph.D., Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia

  • Dr. Bhuvnesh Prasad Sharma, Ph.D., Ganesh Scientific Research Foundation, New Delhi, India

  • Dr. Ashok K. Rathoure, Ph.D., M/s Akone Services, Lucknow, India

  • Dr. Jerald Conrad Ibal, Ph.D., Department of Biological Sciences, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID, 83209

  • Dr. Vincent Sanchis‑Borja, Ph.D., Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, AgroParisTech, Micalis Institute, 78350 Jouy-en-Josas, France

  • Dr. Setu Bazie Tagele, Ph.D., Department of Microbiology & Plant Pathology, University of California Riverside, Riverside, CA 92521, United States

  • Dr. Angélica Herrera-Sepúlveda, Ph.D., Department of Engineering, National Technological Institute of Mexico/Technological Institute of Yaqui, Valley, Bacum, Sonora, Mexico

  • PhD. Student Sandamali Harshani Kumari Hathurusinghe, School of Applied Biosciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, 41566, Republic of Korea

International Collaboration

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Selected Papers


31. Argentel-Martinez, L., Penuelas-Rubio, O., Herrera-Sepulveda, A., Gonzalez-Aguilera, J., Sudheer, S., Salim, L. M., ... Lal, S. (2025). Biotechnological advances in plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria for sustainable agriculture. WORLD JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY , vol.41, no.1.

30. Salehi Jouzani, G., Sharafi, R., Argentel-Martínez, L., Penuelas-Rubio, O., Ozkan, C., Incegul, B., ... Goksu, R. (2025). Novel insights into Bacillus thuringiensis: Beyond its role as a bioinsecticide. RESEARCH IN MICROBIOLOGY , vol.176, 1-8.

29. Argentel-Martinez, L., Penuelas-Rubio, O., Amador, C. A., Steiner, F., Aguilera, J. G., Shin, J., ... Zuffo, A. M. (2024). Mitigating salinity stress on tomato growth, water regime, gas exchange, and yield with the application of QuitoMax. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS , vol.14, no.1.

28. Azizoglu, U., Argentel‐Martínez, L., Peñuelas‐Rubio, O., Herrera‐Sepúlveda, A., Ibal, J. C., Sharafi, R., ... Salehi Jouzani, G. (2024). Natural Products Produced by the Species of Bacillus cereus Group: Recent Updates. JOURNAL OF BASIC MICROBIOLOGY , vol.1, no.1, 1-23.

27. Peñuelas‑Rubio O., Argentel‑Martínez L., Herrera‑Sepúlveda A., Maldonado‑Mendoza I. E., González‑Aguilera J., Azizoglu U. 2024. Rhizobacteria associated with Parkinsonia aculeata L. under semi desertic drought and saline conditions. BIOLOGIA,

26. Hathurusinghe S. H. K., Azizoglu U., Shin J. 2024. Holistic Approaches to Plant Stress Alleviation: A Comprehensive Review of the Role of Organic Compounds and Beneficial Bacteria in Promoting Growth and Health. PLANTS, 13(5), 695;

25. Herrera-Sepúlveda, A., Argentel-Martínez, L., Peñuelas-Rubio, O., Azizoglu, U., (2024). First report of Sinomonas halotolerans from Parkinsonia aculeata rhizosphere. BIOLOGIA , 79; 621–627.

24. Azizoglu U., 2023. Engineering the future of food security: Can genetically modified microbes be environmentally sustainable drivers of crop production?. Research Features ,1-4.

23. Azizoglu U., Jouzani GS., Sansinenea E., Sanchis-Borja V., 2023. Biotechnological advances in Bacillus thuringiensis and its toxins: Recent updates. REVIEWS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND BIO/TECHNOLOGY

22. Azizoglu U., Yilmaz N., Simsek O., Ibal JC., Tagele SB., Shin JH., 2021. The fate of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria in soilless agriculture: Future perspectives. 3 BIOTECH 11:382.

21. Azizoglu Z.B., Yilmaz S., Azizoglu U., Karabörklü S., Temizgul R., Ayvaz A. 2021. Molecular characterization of the chitinase genes of native Bacillus thuringiensis isolates and their antagonistic activity against three important phytopathogenic fungi. BIOLOGIA, 76: 2745–2755.

20. Azizoglu U., Jouzani GS., Yılmaz N., Baz E., Özkök D., 2020. Genetically modified entomopathogenic bacteria, recent developments, benefits and impacts: A Review. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, vol.734, 1-15.

19. Azizoglu U., 2019. Bacillus thuringiensis as a biofertilizer and biostimulator: a mini-review of the little-known plant growth-promoting properties of Bt, CURRENT MICROBIOLOGY, 76:1379–1385.

18. Karabörklü S., Azizoglu U., Yilmaz S., Ayvaz A., 2019. The chemical composition of Cyclotrichium origanifolium essential oil and its insecticidal activity against four stored-product pest insects, COMPTES RENDUS DE L'ACADÉMIE BULGARE DES SCIENCES, vol.72 (6): pp., 841-850.

17. Azizoglu U., 2018. Biochemical properties of Turkish common beans and their resistance against bean weevil Acanthoscelides obtectus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae)” ARTHROPOD-PLANT INTERACTIONS, vol. 12(1): pp., 283-290.

16. Karabörklü S., Azizoglu U., Azizoglu Z.B., 2018. Recombinant entomopathogenic agents: A review of biotechnological approaches to pest insect control, WORLD JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, vol.34, pp.1-12.

15. Azizoglu U., Yilmaz S., Ayvaz A., Atcıyurt Z.B., Karaborklu S., 2017. Mosquitocidal Potential of Native Bacillus thuringiensis Strain SY49-1 against Disease Vector, Culex pipiens (Diptera:Culicidae). TROPICAL BIOMEDICINE, 32 (2): 256-262.

14. Yilmaz S., Ayvaz A., Azizoglu U., 2017. Diversity and distribution of cry genes in native Bacillus thuringiensis strains isolated from wild ecological areas of East-Mediterranean region of Turkey ", TROPICAL ECOLOGY, vol.58, no.3, pp.605-610.

13. Yilmaz S., Azizoglu U., Ayvaz A., Temizgül R., Atcıyurt Z.B., Karaborklu S., 2017. Cloning and Expression of cry2Aa from Native Bacillus thuringiensis Strain SY49.1 and Its Insecticidal Activity against Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS, 105:81-85.

12. Azizoglu U., Ayvaz A., Yilmaz S., Karaborklu S., Temizgül R., 2016 . Expression of cry1Ab gene from a novel Bacillus thuringiensis strain SY49-1 active on pest insects. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY, vol.47, no.3, pp. 597-602.

11. Azizoğlu U., Ayvaz A., Yilmaz S., Temizgül R., 2016. The synergic and antagonistic activity of Cry1Ab and Cry2Aa proteins against lepidopteran pests, JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY, vol.140, pp.223-227.

10. Azizoglu U., Karabörklü S., Ayvaz A., Yilmaz S., 2016. Phylogenetic relationships of insect-associated free-living Rhabditid nematodes from Eastern Mediterranean Region of Turkey. APPLIED ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, vol.14, no.3, pp.93-103.

9. Ünalmiş S., Ayvaz A., Yilmaz S., Azizoglu U., 2015. Molecular Screening and Bioactivity of Native Bacillus thuringiensis Isolates, JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol.17, pp.1197-1207.

8. Karabörklü S., Ayvaz A., Yilmaz S., Azizoglu U., 2015. Fungi associated with free-living soil nematodes in Turkey. ARCHIVES OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, vol.67, pp.1173-1183.

7. Azizoglu U., Yilmaz S., Ayvaz A., Karabörklü S., 2015. Effects of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki HD1 Spore-Crystal Mixture on The Adults of Egg Parasitoid Trichogramma evanescens (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). BIOTECHNOLOGY&BIOTECHNOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT, vol.29, pp.653-658.

6. Karabörklü S., Ayvaz A., Yilmaz S., Azizoglu U., Akbulut M., 2015. Native Entomopathogenic Nematodes Isolated from Turkey and Their Effectiveness on Pine Processionary Moth, Thaumetopoea wilkinsoni Tams. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEST MANAGEMENT, vol.61, pp.3-8.

5. Yilmaz S., Karabörklü S., Azizoglu U., Ayvaz A., Akbulut M., Yildiz M., 2013. Toxicity of Native Bacillus thuringiensis Isolates on The Larval Stages of Pine Processionary Moth Thaumetopoea wilkinsoni at Different Temperatures, TURKISH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY, vol.37, pp.163-172.

4. Yilmaz S., Ayvaz A., Akbulut M., Azizoglu U., Karabörklü S., 2012. A Novel Bacillus thuringiensis Strain and Its Pathogenicity against Three Important Pest Insects", JOURNAL OF STORED PRODUCTS RESEARCH, vol.51, pp.33-40.

3. Azizoglu U., Yilmaz S., Ayvaz A., Karabörklü S., Akbulut M., 2011. Characterization of Local Bacillus thuringiensis Isolates and Their Toxicity to Ephestia kuehniella (Zeller) And Plodia interpunctella (Hubner) Larvae. EGYPTIAN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL PEST CONTROL, vol.21, pp.143-150.

2. Azizoglu U., Yilmaz S., Karabörklü S., Ayvaz A., 2011. Ovicidal Activity of Microwave and UV Radiations on Mediterranean Flour Moth Ephestia kuehniella Zeller, 1879 (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). TURKISH JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY, vol.35, pp.437-446.

1. Yilmaz S., Demirezen N., Azizoglu U., Karabörklü S., Ayvaz A., Akbulut M., Tekin S., 2011. Identification of Some cry1 Genes and Toxicity Determination in Bacillus thuringiensis Isolates Obtained from Mills and Warehouses in Turkey", EGYPTIAN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL PEST CONTROL, vol.21, pp.189-195.




Betül-Ziya Eren Genome and Stem Cell Research Center, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey

Department of Crop and Animal Production,

Kayseri University,  Kayseri, Turkey





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